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Hebrews 11 Grant




저희 교회가 Hebrews 11 Grant를 연회로부터 받게 되었습니다. ($5,000) 지원금의 목적에 맞게, 이웃들을 더욱 사랑하고 섬기는 교회로의 변화 (Equipped)를 위해 사용하겠습니다. 기도해주신 성도님들과 애쓰신 리더쉽분들께 감사드립니다.

Our church has received the Hebrews 11 Grant from the Conference ($5,000). We will use this grant to better equip our church to love and serve our neighbors in alignment with the purpose of this funding. We are grateful to the congregation members who prayed for this and to the leadership who worked hard to make it happen.


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보스톤 감리교회

Wesley United Methodist Church

Address [주소]
100 Winthrop St,
Medford, MA 02155

Service [예배]

English Service: 10:0AM (Sun) / Korean Service (한국어): 12:00PM (Sun)

​새벽기도회: 6:00AM (Sat)

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